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- [PSP - Eur - Multi5] Army of Two the 40th Day [TNTvillage] -

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Army of Two: The 40th Day

Army of Two è uno dei brand cui Electronic Arts ha dimostrato di tenere di più negli ultimi anni, pubblicando due titoli, entrambi di ottima qualità, per le piattaforme next - gen, ottenendo il plauso tanto della critica specializzata quanto del pubblico giocante. Il Quarantesimo Giorno, ultimo in ordine di tempo, va adesso incontro alla “miniaturizzazione” per PlayStationPortable, l’unica console non facente parte dell’ultima generazione a godere di una conversione dedicata del gioco. Attirati dal luccichio del titolo originale, e dall’attenzione che EA sembrava aver dedicato a questa uscita portatile, abbiamo provato a fondo il titolo per voi, rimanendo abbastanza delusi.

Giochiamo a Shanghai?
La trama riprende grossomodo quella del capitolo uscito sull’ammiraglia di casa Sony, e, purtroppo, il continuo confronto con la versione “maggiore” risulterà impietoso a più riprese per la conversione PSP. Salem e Rios, loquaci come sempre e sempre più fuori di testa, si troveranno ad affrontare uno scenario apocalittico, in cui immani esplosioni hanno devastato diverse città del mondo, prima fra tutte Shanghai, tra le cui strade sono infatti ambientati i primi livelli. Con l’aiuto di una gentil pulzella (cui presto dovrete salvare il fondoschiena) e seguendo gli ordini impartiti dall’alto, da bravi mercenari, dovrete farvi largo tra strade infestate di nemici, che puntano decisamente sul loro numero (saranno sempre in rapporto di circa tre a uno nei vostri confronti) piuttosto che sull’intelligenza artificiale, decisamente deficitaria. Altre modalità: non pervenute. Quello di cui siamo certi, purtroppo, è che non è stata implementata alcuna modalità online, e il multiplayer si limita al locale, consentendo ad un amico (dotato anche lui di una copia del gioco, digitale o fisica che sia) di spalleggiarvi durante le missioni. Non un buon biglietto da visita, insomma.


Commento Finale
C’erano le premesse per realizzare un gioco di tutto rispetto, vista la bontà dei titoli originali, il grande nome dietro la produzione (EA) e la scarsa concorrenza presente su PlaystationPortable, e invece si è gettata al vento questa occasione. Army of Two: Il Quarantesimo Giorno è un titolo anonimo, senza mordente e senza qualcosa che lo caratterizzi, se non un livello di difficoltà bassissimo e un level design da prendere a pugni i programmatori. Eppure non è tutto da buttare, a partire dal sistema di puntamento e di fuoco, passando per la realizzazione tecnica, ma consigliarne l’acquisto sarebbe sinceramente troppo per le reali potenzialità del gioco, che rimane un triste incompiuto.

>Si ringrazia per la recensione www.spaziogames.it<

The danger in bringing a game from a console to a portable is that key features get lost in translation. Some features may be limited, while others are changed or completely eliminated to fit on smaller systems. The most important question is: how do those changes affect the overall game? In the case of Army of Two: The 40th Day for the PSP, these changes are not for the better. Virtually abandoning the franchise's co-op focus, the portable version degenerates into a sub-par action title. The 40th Day takes place in Shanghai over the course of a few days as Rios and Salem run missions for their own private military corporation, TransWorld Operations. They accept a simple contract for a huge payday and don't expect much difficulty in accomplishing their tasks. As they finish their mission, Shanghai comes under attack. Salem and Rios have to stay alive long enough to figure out who's behind it. The PSP version follows the console plot faithfully and even repurposes much of the dialogue. However, the sense of chaos is completely lost on the small screen; the streets still seem populated and the destruction you witness seems minor. As a result, it doesn't feel like the city is falling down around you, and there's no adrenaline rush from surviving the battles. The locked, top-down perspective of the game is a big part of the problem. It restricts your view of the environment so you can't see where enemies or hazards are. This unpredictability doesn't add any tension; rather, it's a cheap attempt to make sections harder. This sentiment is only reinforced as you go further along into the game and are stuck facing off against waves of enemies that prefer to rush you instead of using any battlefield tactics. The primary challenge comes from constantly fending off these hordes while avoiding bombs randomly dropped from the skies, making the shallow gameplay obvious. Even worse, the portable version has totally abandoned the cooperative nature of the franchise. There are no co-op sniping sequences and the few step jump moments (where you lift your partner to access previously unreachable areas) are basically worthless. Even your interaction with your partner is ineffective; you can direct your partner to hold or follow you, but he rarely does what you want him to do. He won't save hostages, pick up items or heal himself when he's about to die. In fact, you'll frequently find the AI a screen or two back. Then again, if he's in battle, you're not any safer because friendly fire is permanently turned on and your partner will often shoot you in the back as he tries to hit enemies. As a result, you fight through the game practically by yourself, unless you're injured because only your partner can revive you when you go down. Playing co-operatively with a friend is the only multiplayer feature available, and it highlights the issues of the single-player campaign because fighting with someone intelligent demonstrates what the AI can't do effectively in combat. Then again, all of the AI is weak in this game. Alice and Breznev, two of your NPC allies, are completely useless, as neither will heal you or shoot enemies; they're essentially bullet fodder. The enemy AI isn't any better. You can eliminate many soldiers before they fire a single shot and some of the stronger heavy troops that show up are equally ineffectual. That's unfortunate, because there is an assortment of enemies that you'll face, from shock baton soldiers to beam-wielding thugs. While the variety is nice, many of them are too stupid to be a serious threat in combat. Some of the features that work well on the console are inexplicably broken on the PSP. In the console version, the aggro system allows you to draw the enemies' attention so your partner can flank your targets. In the PSP version, the weapons don't have a specific aggro value, so you or your partner can suddenly gain full aggro with one or two shots. That doesn't really matter, though, because the system doesn't always work. When you finally face an enemy that does attack you, there is a 50-percent chance that they will ignore aggro in favor of shooting you or your partner. As a result, you'll just shoot anything that moves because tactics are a waste of time.


Closing Comments
Lackluster action sequences, brain-dead AI and limited gameplay features really cripple the port of Army of Two: The 40th day on the PSP. While the game does feature morality moments, good dialogue and a variety of environments to fight through, the action is so basic and repetitive that the fun is completely missing. The console version of Army of Two: The 40th Day is well worth exploring, but spare yourself – and your buddies – from the PSP experience.

> English review by www.ign.com <

Size: 861 MB
Lang: Italian, English, French, Spanish and German
Ver: EUR
Genre: Shooting
Developed by: Electronic Arts
Release date: 22 January 2010
Requirements: Tested on PSP with CF Prometheus v3

Visit http://www.tntvillage.scambioetico.org/
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Hash 4431db1276383426405dd7828aca86e57f668a6d
Peers seeds: 7 , leech: 14
Size 861.25 MB
Completato 52x
Aggiunto 16.01.11 - 15:01:29
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